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Health Care Design Conference - 2013 Boston

Conference Press

HxD Coming Up: Don't Miss Out!

Roberta Pesce, MedCrunch

Article Published on March 13, 2013 -

The long-awaited third annual Healthcare Experience Design Conference (HxD) will be held on Monday, March 25th at the Boston Westin Waterfront Hotel.

Physicians, researchers, product managers health care leaders, designers, technologists, entrepreneurs, thinkers, visionaries, dreamers and the MedCrunch team will join forces to explore how human-centered design and design thinking can improve the quality of health delivery and digital interactions.

This year's theme will explore the theme of well-being as the foundation for health. Topics will encompass the power of behavior change, positive psychology, health literacy, design innovation and the interrelation between research and novel design methods.

According to Amy Cueva, HxD's Co-Founder and CXO:

"Focus on the end user is central to the conference, whether attendees are patients, consumers or clinicians, with the belief that research-inspired and results-driven innovation will follow. Agenda highlights are research, strategy, and design methods, behavior change, team dynamics, consumer expectations, design innovations, and point of care experiences. Speakers from UHG, CVS, Mayo Clinic, IDEO, and UNICEF will be joining the conference and keynotes include Jane McGonigal of SuperBetter, Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, Dr. David Sobel of Kaiser Permanente, and Jamie Heywood of PatientsLikeMe."

The remarkable HxD Conference speakers- list includes health celebrities like Jacob Reider, MD, Chief Medical Officer at the United States Department of Health and Human Services and Ryan Panchadsaram, Senior Advisor to the United States Chief Technology Officer at the White House. All of the speakers will tackle health from an entirely different perspective. As Amy Cueva, HxD's Co-Founder and CXO puts it:

Speakers will discuss how life -the messy stuff, the real stuff- can either support or interfere with our ability to care for ourselves and our families. We?ll ask: How does life management, stress management, relationships, emotions, sleep, and other factors affect our health? How can this thinking be woven into our solutions? What is our role in helping people achieve a fuller sense of well-being.

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