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Health Care Design Conference - 2013 Boston

Cigna Challenge

About Me

Currently the Lead User Experience Engineer for the Consumer Health Innovation team at Cigna, James has been designing in one form or another for many years. He is currently responsible for ensuring that a number of health improvement products being produced by Cigna are as pleasing to use as they are to look at. Prior to Cigna, James has worked for numerous Fortune 100 companies where his focus ranged from building commerce sites, to designing solutions for scientists to help them better understand human genetics. Possessing the skills of both a programmer and designer enables James to be creative not only visually but also in the construction of solutions. James has spoken at various conferences on the subject of design for both mobile and the web and is an avid promoter of the importance of users in the design process.

When not working on Cigna's design solutions, James puts his skills to the test with various 'maker' projects, many using his favorite medium, Lego. He is an avid Lego robot designer and spends much of his time sharing his programing and design passions with children of all ages through FLL Robot teams and other tech clubs in local schools. As a strong believer in acknowledging the limitless creativity in children, he is also working on a number of personal projects to improve children's access to creative learning resources.

"Last year's HxD conference was so amazingly inspiring, and has definitely caused me to strive harder and become more passionate about improving our healthcare system." - 2012 HxD Attendee

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